Three new talks, trainings sold out
July 13th, 2019
All trainings for 2019 are sold out
We’re both happy and sad to announce that we for the first time have sold all seats to all trainings we have this year! We still have conference tickets left so make sure to grab one before they run out as well!
Three new talks accepted
We now have three more confirmed talks for this year:
- Zero to Millionaire in 60 minutes: Hacking Real Life Financial Applications – by Himanshu Sharma
- Battle in the Clouds: Attacker vs Defender on AWS – by Dani Goland & Mohsan Farid
- Crypto Cobra: Tales of the nation-state actor targeting crypto-exchanges – by Dani Goland & Ido Naor
Our Call for paper is still open so if you have something you want to talk about make sure to send it in before the 15th of August!