SEC-T - 0x11****

8-12th of September 2025

0x0Anniversary Conference

Welcome to the 10:th anniversary of the SEC-T conference!

SEC-T is an annual IT-sec/hack conference in Stockholm, Sweden that has soon been running for 10 years straight. This will of course be celebrated by making trying out some new ideas and attempting to cram in a bit more people in the audience, as is tradition.

0x0Anniversary SEC-T will be held at our now traditional venue of Anrika Nalen in Stockholm on 14-15:th of September. But make sure you do not miss our community night initiative on the evening of the 13:th as well, which is a free event for anyone to attend. (drop-in, no ticket needed). However keep in mind the last three years we have sold out and been getting sad emails from people that didn’t get any tickets.

The ticket sales are open and make sure you get your ticket before 7:th of August if you want to avoid paying the latecomer price. Or, if you feel inclined to help us out just buy our extra expensive business tickets and come have dinner with us and the speakers on the 13:th. (this is also how you can be considered for becoming a future sponsor)

The CFP is ongoing, so if you want to give a talk just follow the instructions. We will also leave some lightning talk slots open until the conference starts if you spontaneously feel to present something small. Also, if you happen to have an open (non-commercial) project you want to promote it will be possible to do so, just shoot us an email and we’ll sort it out.

Speakers will be presented as they are accepted but a schedule will probably not be available until the very days before the conference.

We are very excited about this year and really looking forward to seeing you all again!

/The SEC-T Organizers