SEC-T - 0x11****

8-12th of September 2025

Spring Pub 2017

SEC-T Spring Pub 2017 is already over, see you there next year!

The spring pub event takes place on Thursday, April 27:th.
The location this year is Torsgatan, Bonnierhuset (Entry Lokstallsgatan 1) and we will open the doors at 17.00.

The first 150 people to arrive can expect wraps and drink tickets as usual, but our sponsors will of course have more tickets to hand out during the evening.

As always there will be some talks on stage and we will make this years announcements about the Anniversary edition of SEC-T so make sure you don’t miss out on the fun.

Make sure to register below so we know you are coming!

Wanna speak? There will be four smalltalk/lightning talk slots available for those who feel like they have something interesting to share. Some slots are already taken but if you know you want to give a talk (5-30min) please send an email to [email protected].