SEC-T - 0x11****

8-12th of September 2025

0x0Anniversary Information

Welcome to the 10:th annual SEC-T conference. We are very happy to be back at Nalen again, and even thought it feels like we just left last years con it is already time for the next. This is basically how it has been feeling for the past 10 years for us. We come off one year having a thousand new ideas only to realize we could make a few of them reality when it’s all of a sudden time for SEC-T again. Of course when we look back we see the vast difference between what we are currently doing and how it all started back in 2008.

I know we said last year was “the big squeeze” and we managed to fit nearly 400 people into this room. Well this year there are 440 seats and that’s the amount of tickets circulating.

We have 9 sponsors this year instead of 8, so you’ll have one more sponsor to thank for making this event happen. But most importantly, we have 15 speakers this year. Now you will already have met 5 of them if you attended Community Night last night or if you attended our premiere SEC-T2ion (pronounced “dissection”) Training, and some of them are also doing a talk during the conference. Never before did we get so many high quality submissions, maybe it’s a sign that SEC-T is becoming known, or maybe it’s just because we are paying our speakers. 😉

This year more than ever the schedule is tightly packed, and since you are too I hope you will keep being an awesome audience and help us keep the schedule running.

When we started streaming SEC-T we were a bit worried that maybe people would not come to the venue, maybe it would be just as fun to stay in the office and watch YouTube all day. But obviously this does not impact the participation in the least. Which makes us happy, because there are undoubtedly people sitting out there that want and need this information but does not have an employer that will pay for them. It also hit us that since we can take questions for our speakers from the audience via email, audience participation from the internet isn’t really a problem. We have the IRC channel #SEC-T on EFNET and we have the [email protected] email. So if anyone is running a hackspace or organize an event in their office or living room anywhere that place, that space, could be just as much part of SEC-T as this main hall is. To try this out we have an extra room this year, downstairs, or more correctly, around the corner, is the entrance to Stacken. In Stacken you will find the stream running, you’ll find some cinema seating like in this room, some tables to sit by if you’re playing CTF or need a place to put your laptop, a lounge area, an Ice Cream machine, our gadget sales. Lunch will also be served down there to make it less tight, there is a bar and… there is also a SEC-T Anniversary T-shirt waiting for you if you bring your ticket QR-code. We have a T-shirt for everyone so take it at your leisure.

I mentioned the CTF, the CTF has actually been up and running since yesterday afternoon, the scoreboard should be visible, so register to play now at and may the people with the most time on their hands win. 😛

There is also something else about the stream this year that might be interesting. We have säkerhetspodcasten here in the audience, and they have promised to try to interview every speaker after their presentation, on video, and deliver the video to the streaming guys in the back so that people watching the stream can see them while you guys are on a coffee or lunch break. The interviews will of course be available on YouTube later when you’re back in the office on Monday.

Our tradition at SEC-T is that I come on stage after every talk and try to come up with smart sounding questions for the speakers, I have never written any questions in advance so far and sometimes it’s a bit of a challenge, but I think it’s a good tradition and something we will continue doing. However, when I’m on stage I will not be reading the IRC channel, and we do not have enough goons to do this so I would appreciate if anyone could keep an eye on the channel an proxy the questions to our speaker (please only do this with SFW questions). And if you are shy, email the question to [email protected] BEFORE the QnA and I can ask the question for you. But as you can see there is a stack of presents on stage, and those presents are for our speakers to hand out to those asking questions. We used to have books for the speaker to choose from, and we still do. The presents are books, mostly, but to add some surprise to the game Hanna was kind enough to play Christmas and wrap them all. So it’s worth being brave, first audience question for each talk gets a present.

This is also the first year we have a decent voting system for the speakers. As you know we are paying our speakers to perform, but the speaker that has performed the best according to you, the audience, will also be paid double. The webpage you got your ticket on has a voting system where you can vote on each speaker. You can’t vote in advance, but please remember to vote and the best way is if you do it directly after each talk.

I think there are still some Lightning Talk slots available this afternoon and we have been hoping for lightning talks to become something more spontaneous. So please, if you have something you want to share, let me or any organizer know and we’ll fit you into the schedule.

We hope you will have two awesome days!

Time for the first talk.

Birthday coming soon

As most of you might have seen we are sold out earlier than previous years. To be sure we have mixed feelings about this, we are very happy that so many see the value in what we are doing. But at the same time we are getting flooded with emails and tweets asking how to get a ticket. Currently if you visit our ticket system there is only the option to buy Training tickets (which includes a conference ticket), but we are going through our system to find if there are in fact more spaces to fill this year. Should there be any tickets left we will announce this.

The ticketing system wasn’t really designed with training in mind so that’s why it can look slightly confusing. We are sorry for the inconvenience this causes. We feel your pain.

It is also currently two weeks to the event this year and we got overwhelmed by the number of quality submissions we received this year. Many of which said they would be willing to speak at the Community Night (Wednesday the 13:th). Therefore we decided to expand the Community Night event to have 5 talks. As always the Community Night is a free event with no registration required so we hope to see those missing a ticket there. And we would suggest being on time (17.00) as the room might get full.

The video stream will be up sometime during the Community Night as well and run through the entire event for those who want to follow us on YouTube.

When you arrive on Thursday morning be sure to bring your ticket, you should have gotten a link to where you can download your ticket containing a QR code that we must scan for you to get access to the event. We have currently expanded the event as much as we believe it is possible at this venue and we hope for your help making it run as smooth as possible.

We will release more information in the days to come.


The SEC-T Organizers

News at Spring Pub

The SEC-T Spring Pub is just kicking off in Stockholm and for you who are not able to be there here is the information being presented.

First of all we’ve made an invitation video for the SEC-T 2017 Anniversary! Share and enjoy!

If it’s still early enough and you’re planning to show up at the Spring Pub at 19.00 you can still catch all of the evenings lightning talks. At present time there are four registered speakers, of which one is a short live recording of the new Podcast “Säkerhetssnack”.

As is tradition, the ticket sales to this years SEC-T Conference are also open now so if you need an Early Bird ticket you should probably hurry up before they are gone.


There are also a few announcements regarding this years SEC-T, namely:


Spring Pub 2017

The ice is slowly melting outside and it’s almost that time of the year again.

When we started SEC-T we realized how far it was in between the conferences and that we were not alone dreading the long haul until we get to socialize again. Thus we created the spring pub event.

This year the spring pub event takes place on Thursday, April 27:th and we are again trying out a new pub in search of the perfect venue for our particular style of event. The location this year is Torsgatan, Bonnierhuset (Entry Lokstallsgatan 1) and we will open the doors at 17.00.

The first 150 people to arrive can expect wraps and drink tickets as usual, but our sponsors will of course have more tickets to hand out during the evening.

As always there will be some talks on stage and we will make this years announcements about the Anniversary edition of SEC-T so make sure you don’t miss out on the fun.

Make sure to register below so we know you are coming!

Wanna speak? There will be four smalltalk/lightning talk slots available for those who feel like they have something interesting to share. Some slots are already taken but if you know you want to give a talk (5-30min) please send an email to [email protected].


Planning for SEC-T 2017

It is early now a cold early February and it is hard to imagine what the end of the summer will look like. But we organizers are already fast at work with planning and preparing for this years SEC-T conference.

Last year was an awesome event and as you may already have heard, we have decided that changing venues would be tantamount to changing a winning concept. (Also it would probably end up generating a lot of unnecessary costs from having such a large new arena to make mistakes in.) So we will be staying at Anrika Nalen for this years conference as well.

This year however is something special for us, as this year marks the 10 year anniversary of the SEC-T conference. Ten years ago some of us decided that traveling far and wide for a decent con was, not only one of the highlights of the year, but also a frustration over how poor the Swedish conference selection was. And a lot of hard labor, sweat and silly, but costly mistakes later, we believe to have constructed a pretty decent floating ship. Something that our faithful and well behaved audience as well as returning top speakers can attest to.

So how can we make this year something special, I hear you ask. Well, apart from the obvious and increasing the audience with another 50 seats (yes it will be tight) we have resolved to embrace a larger portion of the venue to provide a community and lounge area. We also realize that we made a blunder with last years video recording and this year we will not only be streaming live 24×7, providing interviews with the speakers between talks, making sure everything is properly recorded, but also make sure we have proper interaction with those watching the stream.

We have also frequently gotten requests for organized training session, so we will give this concept a serious go this year as well. The days leading up to the conference there will be a few two day, in depth training session for a small number of students who want to learn about specific topics. We are going to hold the classes small to ensure every student getting proper time for questions and guidance. We will announce when the sessions  and the tickets are available.

The ticket sales for this years SEC-T will start during the annual Spring Pub Event on April 27:th. Venue will be announced shortly, but if you already know you have a lightning talk you want to present, please send us an email and we’ll jot you down for a slot. (As always lightning talks are a maximum of 15 minutes and as always may not be used for marketing commercial organizations or products.)

If you are interested in helping out or being a part of making this years conference something extraordinary. If you have a project, are a part of a hack space, run a security related interest group or anything else that could be interesting to collaborate around, please contact us at [email protected].

After all this year will be something very special, for this year is…



Getting started 2017

The cold is still gripping here in Sweden and still no sign of spring. But in our minds it is already on SEC-T 2017 this September and we are eager to find this years speakers and trainers.

So if you think your research will be finished by September and you would love to come present it, or if you just have lots of awesome material and always wanted to come to Stockholm Sweden. Now is your time to act! Read our Call for Papers for more information.

If you are a trainer / teacher with a one or two day training courses and would like to perform them in Stockholm in conjunction with this years SEC-T. We would be delighted if you sent us your material too. See our Call for Teachers for more information.

SEC-T 2016 Sum-up

We would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who helped make 0x09:SEC-T 2016 such a successful event. Our great speakers, organizers, sponsors and of course the audience. We managed to squeeze a lot more than usual into the venue and we everyone performed meticulously under these circumstances.

We are currently finishing up the last of the economy and going through the invaluable feedback we got. And since we are celebrating our 10 year anniversary next year we will be making announcements early on.

This years best speaker by popular vote is awarded to Ulf Frisk for his talk on direct memory attacks on kernels. Quite impressive to see someone do three live demos on a 30 minute talk slot flawlessly. Certainly worth an extra 1000€ for the effort.

As you might know already, we had some technical mishaps on the video front, you who managed to watch the stream live, consider yourself lucky. The stream we thought would be safely stored in the YouTube cloud seems to be helplessly lost because it exceeded the maximum safe length. Something we should have seen if we had read through the entire forum archives before we started. Next year we will make a local backup of the stream to prevent this problem.

Save the date for next years 0x0Anniversary SEC-T 2017, which will take place on September 14-15, include a return of the Community Night on the 13:th and feature two 2-day workshop days for some in-depth training on the 12-13:th. To be announced ASAP.

We have decided to stay at the venue Nalen next year, try to expand the number of tickets a little based on the numbers from this year, but it will be a full house so get your tickets early.

There are also some early plans to extend our 0x0Anniversary event across the internet more next year, so if you or anyone you know is running a hack-space anywhere in the world and would like to know more please contact us. More information on this will come.


Post conference news

Thank you for making SEC-T 2016 another wonderful experience and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we do.

We are currently sorting up the aftermaths and making preparations for next years event. More information on this will follow shortly. But as always the weeks after SEC-T are quite intense as us Organizers have to catch up with our regular work again, but please be patient.

Our videos this year seem to have run into a minor problem. We are not sure yet how big the problem is, just that we are unable to reach the videos stored by YouTube at this time. If anyone has a good contact within YouTube that you think might be able to help us with this issue please contact us at [email protected].

The link to the broken video is


Speaker feedback form!

Please give us feedback on our speakers here!

Almost time now…

Just a few more days to 0x09:SEC-T 2016 and we are in the pipe! 5×5!

Tickets are sold out and there will be no tickets available at the door. However, if we find tickets stuck in the machine somewhere we’ll release them all on Wednesday morning 08:00 CET sÃ¥ check back then.

The venue for those who missed it is again anrika Nalen. Very central and very easy to get to. See map below.

We really hope to see you already at the Community Night for some nice talks, some mingle and a few beers.  All the speakers and organizers will be present, even if we will be busy arranging and preparing for the conference. Community night is a free event open to everyone with an interest in information security, hacking etc. For more information see the schedule.

On Thursday morning we would like you to try to be on time for registration, there will be no pre-registration this year so everyone has to line up and be scanned, so please do not forget your tickets or you might have to wait for manual processing.

The venue is going to be a bit more packed than usual, but if the last few years have been any indication we are sure you will be able to handle the sharp turns and tight ship we’re known for running.

There will be coffee and sandwiches in the mornings, coffee throughout the day, fruits and lunch as well as a dinner for those who wish to stay for the Club SEC-T event.

The Club SEC-T will be open for the public from 19.00 and we hope you’ll at least stay for the quiz, but you really shouldn’t miss the live acts, the Vive VR rig, the Quake LAN or just the awesome atmosphere.

Most of the talks at 0x09:SEC-T 2016 as well as the live acts during Club SEC-T will be live streamed over our YouTube channel if you don’t have the possibility to attend. (As always this probably won’t be visible from Germany for some reason, sorry.) While the Community Night will not be live streamed, we will be testing the equipment at the same time so who knows what will happen…

We are, as always very excited to make this event happen and looking forward to seeing all of you again!

“Welcome to the SEC-T!”


The SEC-T Organizers